Projects Best Suited For Paint Sprayers And Why

Projects Best Suited For Paint Sprayers And Why

It can seem like having a paint sprayer would help solve a lot of the issues you commonly deal with while painting. If you’re using a brush, you’ll have a great finish and won’t miss areas, but you’ll spend too much time actually painting. If you’re using a roller you’ll lay a coat in a jiffy, but odds are the coat won’t be even and you’ll have to spend some time to clean up.

In theory, paint sprayers have none of those issues. All you have to do is aim at the surface, pull the trigger, and let the sprayer do everything else. Still, there are some facts that might make you reconsider whether you should get a paint sprayer or not, as not all projects really require them. Let’s start off with the main reasons why you should get a paint sprayer.

The Good

If you’re working on a rough texture, something filled with imperfections like cracks or bumps, paint sprayers will take care of the details. Paint rollers and brushes would have a lot more issues with these. Another advantage is that covering large spaces is very easy with a spray, you just need to aim and pull the trigger, requiring a lot less effort than what you’d need with a paint roller or a brush.

This is one of the things that make it perfect for outdoor use, as you don’t need to worry about cracks that naturally occur. In general, sprayers are pretty good for outdoor use, as you don’t have to worry about things like overspray, and you don’t need to worry about imperfections.

By using a paint sprayer you’ll get a much evener coat in comparison to using another tool. It’s not completely perfect, you still need to be careful and avoid overlapping, same with a paint roller, but it is not something you need to worry about so much.


The Bad

As great as paint sprayers can be, they’re definitely not perfect for all projects. When you’re thinking whether a paint sprayer will be worth it or not, take these details into account so that you don’t make a mistake.

When you think about the time cost of a project, at least with painting, you shouldn’t focus only on how much time it can take to paint. There are other variables in hand, and in the case of paint sprayers, these will make the difference between being a huge time save or not.

Cleaning up a paint sprayer is not an easy task, and you can’t put it off for another time. If you do so, you risk getting your sprayer clogged up and getting it damaged. You also can’t do some quick cheat to quickly clean up, you need to be thorough. Prep work for paint sprayers is also horrible. Think of it like this: if you’re not going to paint it, you need to cover it up. There’s no lax choices, as you’ll be dealing with a potent spray whenever you’re trying to paint up.


The Conclusion

What all of this means, is that paint sprayers are great for larger projects, especially if they’re outdoors. If you’re going for a much smaller job, like painting just one wall, odds are it’s not worth it. At the end of the day, be sure to take all of this into consideration when you decide whether to use a paint spray or not.